Tampa Catholic High School

To further support healthy students, staff, and families.


Mrs. Nichols is our 5210 School Champion

5-2-1-0 click on the link to the left to get great ideas on assisting you and your child stay on a healthy path.

Our school believes that all students deserve the opportunity to be healthy and successful. Healthy eating and physical activity improve concentration, memory, and mood, helping kids become better learners. Our school participates in Let’s Go! 5-2-1- 0 Goes to School, a community program that is helping us make our school a healthier place. We are pleased to share with you that our school supports the 5 -2-1- 0 everyday message, which states the following:


To further support healthy students, staff, and families, our program follows the five Let’s Go! healthy strategies.

1. We limit unhealthy choices for snacks and celebrations and promote healthy choices instead.

2. We limit sugary drinks and provide water.

3. We do not reward students with food.

4. We provide opportunities for students to get physical activity every day.

5. We limit recreational screen time.

These strategies are promoted in our community and help ensure a healthy environment for students throughout the school day. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you would like more information about Let’s Go! visit


Thank you for your support in helping us create a healthier place for our students to learn!


If you have any questions or concerns please contact amanda.nichols@msad59.org or 696-4607 ext. 1124

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